Romani Gypsy Readings~ $varies

I offer a number of tarot divinations to satisfy all curiosities. In-depth, thorough readings utilise various decks and spreads. All readings are typed & sent via email or FB message along with photo of spread. Also available as a GIFT READING. Just make a note during purchase that it is a gift and I will contact you for recipient information. Add-ons (clarifier cards, Gypsy Magick oils/waters/washes/etc) may be purchased separately after initial reading, to be invoiced upon request. Communicate via email/messenger if you wish to purchase add-ons.

Tarot Reading choices

OMGWTF? Reading: OMG! WTF does the Universe have to tell you RIGHT NOW? Usually uses the absolutely beautiful Tarot Mucha deck, but I may be intuitively drawn to another deck at times. Cards are thrown out, literally, then intuitively chosen in order of importance. My own created spread, this one is a client favourite!
CELTIC CROSS Spread: A general reading, usually looking at the next 3-6 months. Utilises my ORIGINAL set of cards from 1988(!), the popular Ryder-Waite deck.
VELASCO-MARIN Family Spread: This is my family's spread. It focuses on Past/Present/Future influences. I use the Gypsy Witch deck or the Buckland Romani Tarot unless another calls to me for your reading.
SIREN'S SONG Spread: This is my own created spread, inspired and based on a publicly available spread. It utilises the amazingly beautiful Oceanic deck and touches on negative influences and obstacles, as well as your abilities and strengths to combat them.
DEVIANT MOON Lunatic Spread: Uses the gorgeously twisted Deviant Moon deck. A general reading, similar to a Celtic Cross. Shows past/present influences and things to come.
GYPSY FORTUNE Reading: Uses the Hungarian Gypsy Fortunetelling deck. The Hungarian Gypsy Fortunetelling Cards are a favourite among Eastern European Gypsy Dukkerers. While I am not an Eastern European Gypsy (I am Spanish Gypsy), I find them great to work with! This spread is perfect for questions about a new project or goal, new job or new endeavour of any type.
RUSSIAN ORACLE Reading: This is not a tarot spread, but rather an oracle reading. The Russian Gypsy Oracle deck is laid out like a puzzle. The images that match up when all cards are laid out are the images that are read.
NEW MOON Awareness Spread: This reading can help you understand where you are, what clarity you need, and to be more aware of your energy and where to focus your attention. This 6 card spread utilizes whichever deck calls me at the time.
CONSULT & READING: Not sure which spread you need? Choose this option. Our Gypsy will consult with you about what your most important questions are and will research to find a spread to fit your need. She will then complete the reading with that spread.

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